International Do Course Amsterdam

Geplaatst op 14-05-2019.

AMSTERDAM, 11-12.05.2019 – Een weekend over de morele en mentale zijde van ITF Taekwon-Do. Tijdens de International Do Course stonden de zogenaamde “Tenets” van Taekwon-Do prominent in de schijnwerpers.

Cursusmateriaal International Do Course

Iedereen kreeg een uitgebreid pakket cursusmateriaal ter beschikking ter voorbereiding op het seminar

Taekwon-Do School Amsterdam was aanwezig bij de tweede International Do Course (IDC) ooit. De eerste editie werd gehouden in Quebec (Canada), de plek waar Grand Master TrΓ’n – oud ITF President en vader van IDC commissielid Master Joliette TrΓ’n – ooit zijn dojang begon en de “Do” steevast in zijn lessen verwerkte. Helena heeft ontzettend hard gewerkt om het weekend mogelijk te maken namens ITF Nederland en deed uiteraard mee met het seminar. Jair was er ook als deelnemer en vertegenwoordiger van ITF Nederland.

Aan de hand van zowel fysieke als theoretische oefeningen werden de deelnemers bewust gemaakt van hoe je de “Do” kunt verweven in alles wat je doet in de dojang – of je nou lesgeeft of zelf traint – en daarbuiten. Er werden ook morele dilemma’s gepresenteerd waarin de morele waarden mogelijk in conflict lagen met elkaar, wat mooie hersengymnastiek opleverde.

Een ontzettend mooi en leerzaam weekend met een geweldige groep mensen! Lees het volledige verslag op de website van ITF Nederland.

Master Joliette TrΓ’n, een van de instructeurs van de International Do Committee

Jair en Helena met Master Joliette TrΓ’n en ITF Nederland accountant Malaika McCarthy

Article written by Jair Stenhuijs for ITF Netherlands, to promote the then upcoming International Do Course:

The ITF Taekwon-Do Tenets for the Elite Athlete

During an event like the World Championships, a lot of things need to come together. Competitors have been built, layered. They have learned from mistakes. Along the road they have dealt with ups and downs, rigid training programs, diets, encouragement from team mates and coaches, some tough talks every now and then.

Moral and Mental Compass

Without proper respect for the process, and those around them – be it in or outside the dojang – they wouldn’t have gotten where they are now. The mindset of a great athlete starts with humbleness, openness to ideas, ready to learn.
Also it takes honesty in order to grow. Honesty in setting realistic goals, looking at yourself in the mirror and to know you can turn it up a notch, or maybe having to acknowledge you might be overreaching.
Each morning, those in Inzell probably have repeatedly told themselves why they were training, what they wanted to accomplish that day in training. Without the discipline and willpower to stick to your plan, nobody gets anywhere on purpose.
A big challenge for many athletes is to take control of the ego. Competition can fuel it, and crush it, put you off balance just when you are about to enter the ring. In the end you are competing against yourself, not your opponent. Competition is a beautiful way to learn where you are on your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself as an athlete. It’s a milestone, not the end of the road.

Bringing it all together

This week in Inzell, many of the competitors are going to experience “their moment”. A few of them will just stand there and do what they came to do, unhindered by mental clouds, just being in the moment. They gave themselves permission. Permission to be the best they can be at that moment, without fear, without doubt. Trusting on the layers they’ve built themselves on over all those years.
We expect you’ve spotted the ITF Taekwon-Do tenets by now. Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-control, Indomitable Spirit.
Not something you mindlessly repeat at the start of your class in the dojang, but guidelines for LIFE.
On May 11th & 12th 2019, ITF Netherlands proudly invites the International Do Committee over to Amsterdam for the 2nd International Do Course.
All info & registration:…/international-do-course-idc…/ (in Dutch and English)
We welcome everybody from white belt and up and at least 13 years old to discover the importance and usefulness of knowing how to apply the “Do” in everyday life.
To all World Championships competitors from all nations: Good luck to you all, believe in yourself, and may you be the best version of yourself you can be this week.